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Coaching With Lucinda

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Choose your own adventure!

The trail awaits. Join a guided hike to challenge your limits, build connections, and find your inspiration just beyond the next rise! Whether you’re new to hiking or you have some serious miles on your boots, there’s a hike to reward your effort. Your guide knows the trail so you can spend your time enjoying the breathtaking views and laughing with new - or old - friends.

What challenges will you scale?

Join a guided group hike today!

If you are unsure what hike to choose PLEASE reach out. I would love to help you decide.

About me: I’m a hiking guide and backpacking guide- certified through OCC. I hold a Wilderness First aid certification as well. I do a whole lot of interpretive guiding and I connect people to the history of the area where we go hike.

I love taking people on fun trips in Kananaskis, Bow Valley, and Bragg creek area. All my hikes are inclusive and designed to be fun. We laugh lots and meet new friends on every hike.

I am also a nutrition coach, fitness instructor, and yoga teacher.



Canmore, Alberta

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